Scholarship Award Process

Three Simple Steps to Apply

  1. Complete an online application.

  2. Attach your transcript, resume and essay to the online application.

  3. Attend a 15-minute networking interview with a few members from Islamic Leadership Institute of America to get to know each other.

Three Simple Steps to Receive Your Award

  1. Submit the most recent tax form for self or for parent/guardian if someone else can claim the applicant as a dependent, along with a professional headshot and bio, by mailing them to in PDF format.

  2. Attend the award ceremony online or in person with your camera on, and give a short 3-5 minute presentation to showcase your work and goals.

  3. Send us instructions on how to mail you the Scholarship check and certificate to your academic institution or directly to you, by emailing

More than Three Common Questions (FAQ)

  1. Can an applicant apply to a scholarship if already awarded a scholarship by ILIA? Yes, but in a later cohort not the same cohort.

  2. Do the award amounts change? Yes, maximum award amounts are listed on the scholarship page, amounts awarded might be less depending on available funds and the number of applicants. The maximum amounts could also change from cohort to cohort based on funding, but is rare.

  3. Are scholarships available only to Muslims? No, ILIA is an open door organization and welcomes all individuals who meet the academic requirements of its programs based on merit.

  4. Are scholarships an alternative to financial aid? No, scholarships have different requirements and criteria, each scholarship program has its own criteria and could change from time to time. Financial aid is available in the form of grants, non-interest bearing (good) loans, zakat, sadaqa, installments and discounts and are usually to fund an ILIA program, basic need of life such as rent, food, transportation or life emergencies.